Sunday, March 2, 2008

friend of the devil

Okay, so to start, I've slept. A lot. It was delicious. And when I say that sleeping in until 8:00 am on a Sunday is not, in fact, beyond the pale, it's because it's exactly 4 hours and 15 minutes later than I've been waking up every other day and that's just fucking wonderful.

Also. The sun is out. And I fell asleep before closing my blinds. So I woke up to actual full spectrum sunlight, unfiltered by white paper, which was surprising and jarring and lovely. 

And then I had coffee, with just the right amount of milk and sugar. And everyone knows that coffee is magic. And now I am sitting in the thin rays of Sunday morning sun and I am thanking everyone profusely for not only saying really nice things to me as I blubbered and wiped my virtual snot all over you but also for not turning, running away and screaming GROSS at the sight of all that emotional vomit. Seriously. I was just a few days ago considering discontinuing this site and not using a blog as a form of catharsis, because it's becoming something other than what I think I first anticipated, which was a place to put my sticky insides so that I don't have to walk around with them all day, everyday. 

But I've found recently that I have this lurking feeling of inadequacy that there are only about four people who actually read this thing, and then I have to Address Why I Am Writing A Blog. Which I didn't. Because I am lazy and secretly suspect that as much as I need to write, I also need to feel popular and cool and well liked and totally fucking awesome.  Because I am still fourteen, apparently.

Anyway, for now I'm staying because you all are the raddest, most wonderful, most kick-ass readership of four a girl could ever hope for and well, you're funny and beautiful and your hair looks great today, too. And I have I told you how much I love your shoes? Stunning, really.

So that's all. This is only to say, thanks, you're awesome and here, have a wash cloth, I think there's still a little bit of my barf on your sleeve.